Covid, Migrants and Minorities in Teacher Education
A Fake News Observatory to promote Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy in Times of Crisis.
What we do
In times of crisis and political polarisation, minorities and migrants are often blamed for causing social, educational, health, and economic problems. Social media and social networks allow messages of all kinds to be transmitted faster than ever – and facilitate the propagation of disinformation and polarised opinions. Teachers and teacher educators need to help young people to navigate the media and social media, and develop strategies to understand messages involving complex social themes.
The CoMMiTTEd project was launched to promote more responsible use of digital technologies, social media, and social networks by introducing critical cultural awareness in initial teacher education programmes.
The CoMMiTTEd Fake News Observatory, with analysis of five case studies from each project country (Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain) relating migrants and minorities to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Two on-line teacher education modules: one for developing interpreting and relating skills, the other about critical cultural awareness.
A pedagogical e-handbook for teachers and teacher trainers, providing guidelines for developing media literacy in the classroom.

The observatory
CoMMiTTEd plans, develops, tests, and evaluates resources for teacher education, aiming at enhancing student teachers’ critical thinking through enrichened critical (multimodal) discourse analysis abilities and digital teaching competences.

This project has received funding from the European Union under Contract number: LC-01464044 and Project number: 2020-1-DE01-KA226-HE-005742. This website reflects the views only of the independent Consortium, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein. Erasmus Plus PRP: