
The Project

We want to improve the critical thinking of teachers by acquiring skills for critical analysis of multimodal discourse and skills in digital teaching.

About the project

Recurso 2@4x-8

In contexts of crisis and polarisation, minorities and migrants are often blamed for causing social, educational, health, and economic problems.
This process can lead to the dissemination of fake news and hate discourse and ultimately to the spread of extremist ideologies. Today, this is happening faster than ever: such discourse emerges and disseminates at a rapid pace in social media and social networks, multiplied through text and multimedia resources. This means that citizens need to develop a high level of digital literacy, understood as the capacity to critically read, interpret and engage with (multimodal) news and discourse in digital supports.

Young people, in particular, need to learn how to navigate information involving complex social themes. They are constantly exposed to text messages, memes, viral videos, social media, video games, advertising, and so on, and they often lack the critical skills needed to deal with these.

Recurso 1@4x-8

It is essential that schools should provide training in media literacy, that is, the ability to identify different types of media and decode the messages they are sending. However, so far media literacy has not been incorporated into mainstream education, or into teacher training programmes.

By pursuing these issues, CoMMiTTEd:

Advocates a more conscious consumption of information, namely related to socially underrepresented but highly visible minority and migrant groups, thus fostering intercultural education in its “interpreting and relating” skills.

Promotes more responsible use of digital technologies, social media, and social networks by introducing critical cultural awareness in initial teacher education programmes

Enhances critical abilities that are crucial for lifelong learning in times of increasing consumption of digital resources, with both recreational and educational purposes.

To do this, CoMMiTTEd’s multidisciplinary team will develop:

An on-line databank, the CoMMiTTEd Disinformation Observatory, relating migrants and minorities to the Covid-19 pandemic and other critical situations, offering analysis and deconstruction of such news and hands-on pedagogical resources to support teacher educators and teachers in developing critical thinking and (multimodal) discourse analysis abilities.

Two on-line teacher education modules, one centring on interpreting and relating skills and another about critical cultural awareness, which can be integrated into diverse teacher education scenarios.

A pedagogical e-handbook for teachers and teacher trainers, presenting theoretical and praxis-oriented principles related to critical (multimodal) discourse analysis and its implementation in classroom and teacher education paths.


This project has received funding from the European Union under
Contract number: LC-01464044 and Project number: 2020-1-DE01-KA226-HE-005742.
This website reflects the views only of the independent Consortium, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein. Erasmus Plus PRP: