Use of cookies
This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies, understood as small archives that are downloaded on the user’s computer, tablet or smartphone which allow is to store information on this device when you navigate the web and recover this information later. The information gathered by cookies may include the date and time of your visits to the website, the tabs you clicked on or the amount of time you spent there. These technologies are widely used in the Internet, and they have various uses, for example, to recognize you as user, to obtain information about your navigating habits in order to offer you related products or services, or to personalize the language or the way the content is displayed.
Spanish law 34/2002, of 11 July, concerning Services in the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, LSSI), EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council, of 27 April 2016, concerning Data Protection, and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Data Protection and Safeguarding Digital Rights, as well as the guidelines provided by the Spanish Data Protection Agency concerning the use and installation of cookies, regulate their use within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Spain.
Cookies are considered to be personal data, and their handling sometimes requires the prior consent of the interested party, that is, you, the user.
The website created by the centres participating in the CoMMiTTEd Project (listed on the page Legal Notice) contains links to other websites whose policies on privacy and use of cookies are defined by the editors or persons responsible for those websites and do not come under the auspices of those responsible for the CoMMiTTEd Project.
This website uses:
- Technical cookies, which include basic functions such as identifying the session, storing information in order to allow the broadcasting of video or sound, or allowing the registered users to enter sections with restricted access. They are necessary so that the website can provide its services in an appropriate manner, and for this reason they cannot be disabled.
- Analytical cookies, which are used to find out how the users interact with the website, collecting information that is analysed anonymously in order to improve the website (which pages are visited more, or less, how often users visit the website, what their country of origin is, etc.). The analytical cookies used in this website are managed by Google, and in cases where these cookies are analysed outside of the European Economic Area, such activity is regulated by Standard Contract Clauses approved by the European Commission. The data conserved by the cookies is stored for 2 years.
When you visit the website for the first time, or you visit it after clearing the cookies, the website will allow you to select whether or not you want to enable analytical cookies.
Furthermore, all users can set their own browser to restrict the use of cookies or to disable them. The steps you need to take to do this are different on each browser; the following links take you through the process of regulating cookies in the most usual browsers; if you use a browser other than these, you should consult the help option provided.
• Chrome
• Safari
• Mozilla Firefox
• Internet Explorer
The centres that are participating in the CoMMiTTEd Project may modify the cookies used at any time, as well as their purpose and their expiry date. The information will be kept up to date and placed at the users’ disposal on this web page. We therefore recommend you to review this policy every time you access the webpage, in order to be appropriately informed about how we use cookies and what we use them for.

This project has received funding from the European Union under Contract number: LC-01464044. This website reflects the views only of the independent Consortium, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.