Fallstudie 1
Eine Kontroverse in Berlin
In this presentation, we analyse how, despite a thoroughly credible framing (interlocutor, scenario, and source of information), a fake news item emerges, namely that "communities" tend to believe Fake News and are accordingly less likely to be vaccinated. It has as its argumentative basis the spread of Fake News. It has also been shown that the professional context (including the use of official logos) and the tendency to associate fake news with parties of the right wing "play into the cards" of this fake news item. These messages help to refute the common assumption that fake news about migrants and minority groups is exclusively spread by right-wing discourses and actors. Finally, it is important to know the context and thus analyse the arguments put forward for discussion.
Anleitung zu den Fallstudien

This project has received funding from the European Union under
Contract number: LC-01464044 and
Project number: 2020-1-DE01-KA226-HE-005742.
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